Wood Ash


Enhance the health and productivity of your plants with Moji Mall Wood Ash, a natural soil amendment derived from carefully selected hardwood sources. This mineral-rich product improves soil structure, balances pH levels, and provides essential nutrients for healthy plant growth. Shop now at Moji Mall.

Availability: 199 in stock

Enhance the health and productivity of your plants with Moji Mall Wood Ash, a natural soil amendment that provides essential minerals and nutrients. Shop now at Moji Mall.

Product Features:

  • Mineral-Rich Formula: Wood Ash is packed with valuable minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, and trace elements. These minerals play a vital role in plant growth, root development, and overall plant health. By incorporating wood ash into your soil, you provide a nutrient boost that supports vigorous growth and abundant blooms.
  • pH Balancing: Wood ash has natural alkaline properties that can help balance the pH of acidic soils. It acts as a natural liming agent, reducing soil acidity and creating a more favorable environment for a wide range of plants. Achieving the proper pH level in the soil is crucial for optimal nutrient uptake and overall plant vitality.
  • Slow-Release Fertilizer: Moji Mall Wood Ash acts as a slow-release fertilizer, gradually releasing nutrients into the soil as it breaks down. This ensures a steady supply of essential elements over time, promoting sustained growth and reducing the risk of nutrient deficiencies.
  • Improves Soil Structure: Incorporating wood ash into your soil improves its structure and texture. It helps loosen heavy clay soils, allowing for better drainage and root penetration. For sandy soils, wood ash enhances water retention, preventing excessive moisture loss and nutrient leaching. This improved soil structure creates an optimal growing environment for your plants.
  • Organic and Sustainable: Moji Mall Wood Ash is a natural and sustainable soil amendment. It is derived from hardwood sources and does not contain any synthetic additives or harmful chemicals. By choosing wood ash, you promote eco-friendly gardening practices and contribute to a healthier ecosystem.

Usage Tips:

  • Application Rates: Apply Moji Mall Wood Ash based on your soil’s needs and the specific requirements of your plants. Start with a moderate application and monitor the soil pH and plant response. Adjust the amount accordingly for subsequent applications.
  • Garden Beds and Vegetable Patches: Spread a thin, even layer of wood ash over your garden beds or vegetable patches. Use a garden rake or a hoe to gently work the ash into the top layer of soil. Water the area thoroughly after application to help incorporate the ash into the soil.
  • Composting: Add small amounts of wood ash to your compost pile. Wood ash helps balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, aiding in the decomposition process and producing nutrient-rich compost. Remember to mix the ash thoroughly with other compost materials.
  • Lawns: Apply wood ash to your lawn using a spreader or by hand. Make sure to distribute it evenly, avoiding concentrated piles. Water the lawn after application to ensure proper absorption.
  • Container Plants: Mix small amounts of wood ash with potting soil for container plants. The ash provides essential minerals and helps maintain proper pH levels in confined growing spaces.
  • Precautions: While wood ash offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to use it in moderation. Avoid excessive application, especially around acid-loving plants such as azaleas and blueberries, as it may raise the soil pH beyond their preferred range.


Is Moji Mall Wood Ash safe for organic gardening?

Yes, Moji Mall Wood Ash is suitable for organic gardening. It is derived from hardwood sources and does not contain synthetic additives or harmful chemicals.

Can I use Moji Mall Wood Ash in my vegetable garden?

Absolutely! Wood ash is a valuable soil amendment for vegetable gardens. It provides essential minerals and helps balance soil pH, promoting healthy plant growth and abundant yields.

How often should I apply Moji Mall Wood Ash to my garden?

The application frequency depends on your soil’s needs and the specific requirements of your plants. Start with a moderate application and monitor the soil pH and plant response. Adjust the amount accordingly for subsequent applications.

Can wood ash be used in flower beds and ornamental gardens? Yes, wood ash can be used in flower beds and ornamental gardens. It provides valuable minerals and helps improve soil structure, supporting healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

Is Moji Mall Wood Ash safe for use around pets and wildlife?

Moji Mall Wood Ash is generally safe for pets and wildlife when used as directed. However, it’s advisable to keep pets away from freshly applied wood ash until it is incorporated into the soil.

Experience the transformative power of Moji Mall Wood Ash and unlock the full potential of your plants. Shop now at Moji Mall and create a thriving environment for healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

Weight500 g



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