Moringa Seeds


Grow your own valuable and nutrient-rich moringa trees with heirloom moringa seeds from Moji Mall. Discover the many benefits of moringa leaves and seeds while contributing to a sustainable and eco-friendly gardening experience.

Availability: 100 in stock

  • Name: Moringa Seeds
  • Type: Tree
  • Species/Variety: Heirloom

Purpose: Ideal for gardening enthusiasts, these heirloom moringa seeds from Moji Mall allow you to grow your own valuable and nutrient-rich moringa trees, providing a sustainable source of health and wellness.

Growing Information:

  • Sunlight: Full sun
  • Soil Type: Well-drained soil
  • Water Requirements: Regular watering until established, then drought-tolerant
  • Planting Depth: Plant seeds approximately 1 inch deep
  • Germination Time: Around 1-2 weeks

These heirloom moringa seeds from Moji Mall produce fast-growing and resilient moringa trees. Moringa, also known as the “Miracle Tree,” is highly valued for its leaves, which are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The seeds can be used for planting and oil extraction. Moringa trees are known for their drought tolerance and adaptability to various climates.

Weight5 g

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