Calabash Gourd Seeds


Explore heirloom calabash gourd seeds for kitchen gardening at Moji Mall and enjoy the uniqueness and versatility of homegrown gourds. Discover planting tips and unleash your creativity with fresh calabash gourds from your own garden.

Availability: 997 in stock

  • Name: Calabash Gourd Seeds
  • Type: Vegetable
  • Species/Variety: Heirloom

Purpose: Ideal for kitchen gardening, these heirloom calabash gourd seeds from Moji Mall allow you to grow your own fresh and unique gourds, perfect for various culinary and decorative uses.

Growing Information:

  • Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
  • Soil Type: Well-drained, fertile soil
  • Water Requirements: Regular watering to keep the soil evenly moist.
  • Planting Depth: Plant seeds approximately 1 inch deep
  • Germination Time: Around 10-14 days

These heirloom calabash gourd seeds from Moji Mall produce fascinating gourds with unique shapes and sizes. Calabash gourds are known for their versatility and can be used for crafting, utensils, or decorative purposes. While not typically consumed, they make an interesting addition to your garden and can be used for artistic and creative projects.

Weight2 g

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